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Envirum Nature – Energizing India and its people sustainably with clean, green solar energy since many years at affordable prices.

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  • sales@envirumnature.com
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  • 0120-432-7732

Residential Solar

Envirum Nature > Residential Solar
Best residential solar panel cost india

Residential solar systems

Residential solar systems, encompassing various types such as grid-tied and off-grid configurations, have emerged as a sustainable and viable solution for homeowners in North India, excluding Jammu and Kashmir. These systems leverage photovoltaic technology to harness energy from sunlight, providing an eco-friendly alternative to conventional electricity sources. Grid-tied systems integrate with the local electrical grid, allowing excess energy to be fed back into the grid and providing homeowners with potential credits or reduced electricity bills. Off-grid systems operate independently, incorporating battery storage to ensure a continuous power supply even during periods of low or no sunlight, making them suitable for remote areas.

Tailored solutions designed to meet specific energy needs characterize our residential solar services in this region, using high-quality components and ensuring expert installation by our experienced team. Selecting us means you will gain advantages from our wide-ranging experience, focus on customer satisfaction, successful past performance, and all-inclusive services.

Grid-Tied Solar System

Description: Grid-tied residential solar systems connect to the local electrical grid. They generate electricity from the sun, and we can feed any excess power back into the grid, earning homeowners’ credits or reducing their electricity bills.

Key Features: Cost-effective, with no need for battery storage, seamless integration with the existing grid infrastructure.

Off-Grid Solar System

Description: Off-grid systems operate off the grid. They include battery storage to store excess energy generated during sunny periods for use during low or no sunlight.

Key Features: Energy independence, suitable for remote areas without reliable grid access, provides power during grid outages.

Key Features of Our Services

Customized Solutions
We offer tailored residential solar solutions based on your energy needs and geographical location, ensuring maximum efficiency.
Quality Components
Our systems use high-quality solar panels, inverters, and other components, ensuring reliability, durability, and optimal performance.
Installation Expertise
Our team of experienced professionals ensures seamless installation, adhering to safety standards and optimizing the positioning of solar panels for maximum sunlight exposure.
Monitoring and Maintenance
Our services include monitoring systems to track energy production and performance. We also provide regular maintenance in NCR regions to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your solar installation.

Future Aspects

Technological Advancements
Ongoing advancements in solar technology promise increased efficiency and decreased costs, making solar energy even more accessible in the future.
Smart Grid Integration
Integration with smart grids will enable better energy distribution and consumption management, optimizing the overall efficiency of residential solar systems.
Energy Storage Solutions
Improvements in energy storage technologies will enhance the reliability of off-grid and hybrid systems, ensuring uninterrupted power supply even during adverse conditions.
Quick Steps

Why Choose Us?

With years of experience in the solar industry, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to deliver top-notch residential solar solutions.
Customer-Centric Approach
We prioritize understanding your needs and preferences and providing personalized solutions that align with your energy goals.
Proven Track Record
Our successful track record of completed installations and satisfied customers shows our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Comprehensive Services
From initial consultation and system design to installation, monitoring, and maintenance, we offer end-to-end services to make your transition to solar energy hassle-free.
Regional Focus
Someone tailored our services to the unique energy needs and conditions of North India (excluding Jammu and Kashmir), ensuring that we optimize our solutions for the local environment.
1-Year Maintenance
Your satisfaction is our priority. Enjoy peace of mind with our one-year maintenance in NCR regions, reflecting our confidence in the quality and reliability of our solar services.


Residential solar is installing solar panels on homes to harness sunlight and convert it into electricity for household use.
There are three main types: grid-tied (connected to the local electrical grid), off-grid (operating independently), and hybrid (combining features of both).
Grid-tied systems feed excess energy back into the local grid, earning credits or reducing homeowners’ electricity bills.
It offers sustainable, cost-effective energy, reduces reliance on traditional power sources, and often comes with financial incentives and long-term savings.
Our services include customized solutions, high-quality component installations, expert maintenance, and assistance with subsidies and financing options.